Friday, November 18, 2011

Has anyone used evening primrose oil to help temper?

Both myself and my 17month old son have a bad temper,does evening primrose oil help? And if so how do you get a child to swollow a capsual?

Has anyone used evening primrose oil to help temper?
yes i once dropped and smashed a bottle on the kitchen floor, i was fuming !!
Reply:My friend used primrose oil to help with PMT and found it really beneficial. You could try it but I'm not sure if it would be recommended for your son as he's quite young. If you bought the primrose oil at the chemists you could ask for their advice about your son. Good luck - I hope you find something that helps.
Reply:i havent
Reply:My experience with EPO has been for my hair, skin and nails and not for a bad temper. I have found that, providing you find a good brand that is cold pressed, it is a great product. It made my hair look rich and healthy and stopped my dandruff - something I have had far longer than I can remember and was told that I would never get rid of but now it's gone. I understand that EPO provides the body with the omega-3 essential fatty acid which helps to regulate hormonal imbalances in the body. I am sure temper can be considered a result of a hormonal imbalance (perhaps even attributed to a certain food or foods or a combination thereof that both you and your son eat). So, I would definitely give it a try. Just don't expect overnight results though because you have not been able to determine the root cause of the temper, even though you may be taking steps to deal with its symptom. For me, my results were evident within a month, but you know what they say "results may vary" because we all know "no two people are alike"!

And I would agree with one of the other answers given that you should incorporate it into your sons food - just before eating not while cooking. I do hope this helps.
Reply:try happy foods,brazil nuts,raisins,chocolate.camomile tea but it tastes vile.I have a short temper and use a lot of lavender oil which helps i have been using it for years.good luck
Reply:I have known someone who was suffering from this and replaced prozac with evening primrose oil and it worked a treat

BUT, EPO will only work on your temper if it is hormone related - it contains Gamma Linoleic Acid which helps to regulate hormones and keep skin healthy. I would certainly avoid giving it to a child as young as 17 months and wouldn't recommend it to anyone whose temper isn't PMT or suchlike.

However, with that caveat, it really does work. I went, while taking it, in a matter of days, from being a psychotic monster to feeling a whole lot calmer and being much more chilled out. It also helps with other associated PMT problems like mastalgia etc.

However, they don't warn you that one of the side effects is mild depression, so be wary - I made the choice that miserable me was better than psychotic me, but then again it works differently on everyone!

What you might also like to try, which I think in yours and your son's case would be more effective would be not only the Bach flower remedies, but also the Jan de Vries flower essences, which I found to be more effective than I'd hoped.

Good luck!
Reply:Not sure if it helps with a bad temper but try to get it it liquid form, omega 3 is supposed to help also
Reply:I'm sorry but I don't know if it would help but if you do want to give your child the oil, just empty it out of the little capsule and mix it in with his dinner! He'll never know and it'll be just as good for him... if it does work
Reply:I'm sorry evening primrose will have no possible effect here.

The capsules have been suggested for almost every ailment known to mankind! Extensive studies have shown them to produce no benefit, with the possible exception that they may have a marginal effect on cyclic mastalgia. (Period breast pain). I suggest you have a chat with your GP or health visitor.
Reply:yes it will good for u to use oil
Reply:I've never had any success with evening primrose but Bach Rescue Remedy is good for all kinds of stress - just a couple of drops in cold liquid is needed.
Reply:Evening primrose is very good it will help.

Try giving you son omega 3 it is very good it will help his brain and calm him down.

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