Friday, November 18, 2011

A type of Primrose has taken over my entire yard. I'm weeding 8 times more than I?

ever did b4. I don't like weed killers because they kill my garden. What can I do short of pulling them, placing yard fabric down, and putting mulch over? They should come with a warning...those and freeway daisies (osteospermums). Watch out for those too. Sperm is in their name for a reason. They proliferate like rabbits.

A type of Primrose has taken over my entire yard. I'm weeding 8 times more than I?
I have them all over my yard too and pulling is really the only way to get rid of them even if it is temporary. Fortunately they are shallow rooted and not hard to pull out, but unless you get every one and every bit of root, your not going to get rid of them entirely. I'm sorry, I wish I had better news for you.

I feel your pain.

Good Luck
Reply:Make those primroses your main attraction. If you can't beat them join them.

evening shoes

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